Day of Equipping
December 6, 2024

Littleton, CO

See registration confirmation email regarding complimentary registration for livestream access





  • Full refunds up to 30 days prior to the event (less a processing fee of approximately 3%).
  • No refunds are provided within 30 days of the event.
  • For parish-hosted weekend events, virtual and livestream events, cancellations less than 30 days are eligible for a credit which can be applied to a future JPII Healing Center event.
  • For weeklong events, cancellations less than 7 days are not eligible for a refund (this is due to the non-refundable deposits made to venues, vendors, etc).
  • No refunds/credits will be provided after the event has begun (i.e. No refunds/credits after the during/after the event).


  • Registrations are not transferable between persons or events.
  • This event is for attendees 18 years old and older.
  • By attending this event, you consent to any photographs and/or video footage that may be taken for promotional, commercial, or distributional purposes.
  • By registering for this event, you are agreeing to the terms of the informed consent policy which can be found here.


These are the terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) governing your participation in any John Paul II Healing Center owned and operated Event including those offered In-Person or Virtually. Virtual events are including but not limited to livestream conferences, pre-recorded conferences, webinars, meetings, teachings and live Q & A sessions. All aforementioned event options will be referred to as the “Virtual Event”. By registering for a JPII Healing Center In-Person Event or Virtual Event, you agree to these terms, which form a binding legal contract between John Paul II Healing Center and the registered participant (“you” or “Participant”). If you are registering on behalf of another individual, it is your responsibility to ensure the person participating is aware of these terms and accepts them. By completing the registration on behalf of another individual you are warranting that you have made the Participant aware of these terms and that they have accepted these terms.

1 Participant Requirements

1.1 Access. Your registration entitles you to access the In-Person Event/Virtual Event for which you have registered. Any and all other costs associated with your attendance shall be borne solely by you, and John Paul II Healing Center shall have no liability for such costs.

1.2 Use of Likeness. By participating in the In-Person Event/Virtual Event, you acknowledge and agree to grant John Paul II Healing Center the right at the In-Person Event/Virtual Event to record, film, live stream, photograph, or capture your likeness in any media now available or hereafter developed and to distribute, broadcast, use, sell, or otherwise globally to disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval from you or any payment to you. This grant to John Paul II Healing Center includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information, and the right to allow others to use or disseminate the media.

2 Prohibited Conduct

2.1 Limitations on Use. By registering for a John Paul II Healing Center In-Person Event/Virtual Event, you agree not to sell, trade, transfer, or share your access link and/or code, unless such transfer is granted in writing by John Paul II Healing Center. If John Paul II Healing Center determines that you have violated this policy, John Paul II Healing Center may cancel your access, retain any payments made by you, report you to law enforcement authorities, and ban you from future In-Person and Virtual Events.

2.2 Disruptive Conduct. You acknowledge and agree that John Paul II Healing Center reserves the right to remove you from the In-Person Event/Virtual Event if in its sole discretion, determines that your participation or behavior creates a disruption or hinders the In-Person/Virtual Event or the enjoyment of the In-Person Event/Virtual Event content by other attendees.

2.3 Recording, Live Streaming, and Videotaping. Participants may not photograph, record or broadcast audio or video of sessions at John Paul II Healing Center In-Person Events/Virtual Events.

2.4 Unethical/Non-Compliant Business Practices. John Paul II Healing Center reserves the right to deny participation to anyone who engages in or is reputed to engage in unethical or non-compliant business practices.

3 Fees & Registration

3.1 Payment. The payment of the applicable fee for the In-Person Event/Virtual Event is due upon registration. If such payment is insufficient or declined for any reason John Paul II Healing Center may refuse to allow you to access the In-Person/Virtual Event and shall have no liability in that regard.

3.2 Taxes. The fees may be subject to sales tax, value added tax, or other taxes and duties which, if applicable, will be charged to you in addition to the fees.

4. Personal Healing and Medical Care

4.1 I understand that this event presents an understanding of the human person (anthropology) and theology based on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The material may include topics on suffering, sin, trauma, personal wounds, etc. There may be optional opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and to receive various forms of prayer ministry. I understand that the John Paul II Healing Center cannot guarantee that I will receive healing.

4.2 I also understand that I am free to leave at any time, including teaching or experiential sessions. My choice to not participate in any particular activity does not preclude me from partaking in other activities.

4.3 While some of the presenting team members may be healthcare providers or have professional training, I understand that no patient-provider relationship or psychotherapy services are being provided. While the team members agree to keep the strictest of confidentiality in our communications, these communications may not possess any privilege under state or federal law governing provider-patient relationships (with the exception of priest-penitent privilege in the Sacrament of Reconciliation). I acknowledge and understand that if I disclose to any staff or volunteering that my behavior is at risk of placing a child, mentally ill person, or vulnerable adult at risk, or I am aware of such information, that this information will be disclosed to the appropriate authorities in accordance with applicable state law and church policies. I further understand that if staff or volunteers believe that I am a risk to myself or others, they may also have to disclose that information or my protection or others.

4.4 If I am under the care of or receiving treatment from any medical or mental health care professional, I will not modify or terminate any treatment, including, but not limited to, therapy or medication, without consulting with that medical or mental health care professional. I agree to hold harmless John Paul II Healing Center staff and volunteers for any injury or damage suffered as a result of any decision to change my medical treatment without the consent of my medical provider.

4.5 If individual prayer ministry is offered by the John Paul II Healing Center, I understand that all prayer ministers are volunteers. While some may be professionally trained in the helping professions, I understand that they are not functioning in a professional capacity. Ministry by Center staff or volunteers does not constitute the provision of medical services, health services or psychotherapy and is not guaranteed.

I agree to hold harmless those providing services related to this event (including, but not limited to the host site, John Paul II Healing Center, volunteers, or vendors) from any and all claims, injury, loss, or damage to my personal property, liabilities and costs, as a result of my participation in this event, including travel to and from the event (including air travel) and any activities incidental to this event.

Your current total for 1 Registration is $63.75 (Show Summary)

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software